There is almost no point in being a teacher nowadays unless you are prepared to deal with a differentiated group of students.
- By task: Plan a varied number of tasks that allows students to do what you want them to do and the different ways in which they will be assessed.
- By questioning: Bounce a mix of some specific and some open-ended questions at your group.
- Using Bloom's Taxonomy: Set higher level thinking tasks requiring synthesis and evaluation.
- By resources: Have a range of resources with similar or levelled texts available.
- By student involvement: Allow students to perform, teach, present, lead debates, etc.
- Individual outcomes: Encourage responsibility for own learning.
- By role: Delegate roles within certain activities such as time-keeper, scribe, moderator, etc.
- By group: Create groups with different ranges of abilities to complement one another.
- By outcome: Decide in advance where do your varied ability students need to get to by the end of the lesson and what they need to do to get there.
- Extended learning: Look beyond the classroom; extra reading, internet research, cross-curricular, etc.
(Constitutional building in downtown Montreal last summer)