Saturday, 30 November 2013

On Differentiation

There is almost no point in being a teacher nowadays unless you are prepared to deal with a differentiated group of students. 
  1. By task: Plan a varied number of tasks that allows students to do what you want them to do and the different ways in which they will be assessed.
  2. By questioning: Bounce a mix of some specific and some open-ended questions at your group.
  3. Using Bloom's Taxonomy: Set higher level thinking tasks requiring synthesis and evaluation.
  4. By resources: Have a range of resources with similar or levelled texts available.
  5. By student involvement: Allow students to perform, teach, present, lead debates, etc.
  6. Individual outcomes: Encourage responsibility for own learning.
  7. By role: Delegate roles within certain activities such as time-keeper, scribe, moderator, etc.
  8. By group: Create groups with different ranges of abilities to complement one another.
  9. By outcome: Decide in advance where do your varied ability students need to get to by the end of the lesson and what they need to do to get there.
  10. Extended learning: Look beyond the classroom; extra reading, internet research, cross-curricular, etc.
(Constitutional building in downtown Montreal last summer)

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